Work Groups
HCWDB Work Group Summaries and Members
External Relations:
Builds relationships, shares knowledge, and coordinates resources between the Hennepin-Carver Workforce Development Board (HCWDB) and external partners including employers, community organizations, government, and participants, to ensure that services and advocacy of the board align with the goals of our residents and partners.
Tim Mayer (Chair), Elise Durbin, Cindy Larson, Kate Probert Fagundes, Doug Muller, Julie Kennedy, Brad Markwell, Sara Johnson, Doug Gjerstad, Jolene Rotich, Lisa Cain, and Jim Durdle
Hennepin County Staff: Erik Aamoth (
Data & Measurements:
Collects and reviews labor market, employment, and service program performance data to present to the HCWDB and its work groups leading to data-informed decision making.
Melissa Scherer (Chair), Andrea Erickson, Cara Garrett, Sarah Gutzman, Jennifer Kielas, Leah McNamee, and Tim O’Neill
Hennepin County Staff: Erik Aamoth (
Program Design & Development:
Facilitates alignment of youth, adult, and dislocated worker career services and training with the needs of employers, interests of participants, and the opportunities in the job market to enhance meaningful career pathways.
Kim Schrupp (Chair), Debbie Ferry, Derrick Givens, Nicki Hanson, Becca Lopez, Shannon Quigley, Shannon Seaver, and Emily Watts
Hennepin County Staff: Bri Steirer (
Executive Internal Operations:
Convenes the chairs of each work group to discuss strategies and action plans to confirm alignment with HCWDB mission and vision. Reviews and builds upon internal board policy and structure, such as education, recruitment, and participation, to pursue a continuously more inclusive and knowledgeable, and active board membership.
Nicole Mattson (Chair), Garfield Clark, Doug Gjerstad, Jennifer Kielas, Tim Mayer, Kate Probert, Melissa Scherer, Kim Schrupp, and Emily Watts
Hennepin County Staff: Erik Aamoth (