What We Measure Employment, Retention, Wages, Business SatisfactionBusiness engagement, public and private investment alignment.New training opportunities and increasing options to connect job seekers with employers.Improved outcomes for disparately impacted individuals.Increases in collaborative efforts for service design and delivery. Performance Measure PY22 Adult PY22 DW PY22 WIOA Youth PY23 Adult PY23 DW PY23 WIOA Youth Q2 Employment Retention 66.5% 78.0% 68.0% 66.5% 78.0% 68.0% Q4 Employment Retention 65.9% 75.5% 69.0% 67.1% 75.5% 69.0% Q2 Median Earnings $7,600 $15,500 $3,500 $7,600 $15,500 $3,500 Credential Attainment Rate 62.0% 79.0% 54.0% 64.2% 79.0% 55.0% Measurable Skill Gains 35.0% 66.0% 41.0% 35.0% 66.0% 42.0% *For definitions for these performance measures, follow this link: Performance Accountability Guidance for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Core Programs (dol.gov)