What We Do
Guiding Legislation
The work of the HCWDB is guided by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. This federal law outlines the structure of the workforce development board and its members; performance measurements; broad strategies such as career pathways and industry sector engagement; and the expectation that employment, education, training and support services offered through the broader workforce systems are aligned within the community.
The Hennepin-Carver Workforce Development Board is one of sixteen workforce development boards across the state of Minnesota. The role of the board is to direct the strategic investment and alignment of employment and training resources within Carver County and Hennepin County (excluding the city of Minneapolis).
Engaging members of the community who represent a diverse set of viewpoints is vital in this work. Federal and state policymakers have acknowledged the importance of demand-driven strategies by requiring 51% of all workforce board members be employers; and also acknowledge the valuable voices of Labor, Community-Based Organizations, Adult Basic Education, Economic Development, Higher Education, program partners and others who are part of a career pipeline and are connected to the needs of our employers. This range of perspectives better ensures that investments address the current and future workforce needs of our communities.
The Hennepin-Carver Workforce Development Board provides workforce solutions:
- Align and improve public & private investments in workforce and economic development.
- Develop innovative approaches for providing training & connecting job seekers with employers.
- Address disparities that limit individuals and businesses from achieving their full potential.
- Promote the prosperity of individuals, business & economic growth of communities.
- Identify and prioritize strategies to serve people of color, individuals facing gender inequities, individuals with disabilities, and disconnected youth.
- Establish and participate in business-led Sector Partnerships to support public-private investments in workforce training.
- Expand work-based learning opportunities and leverage technology to connect job seekers with employers.
Strategic Directions
A series of planning conversations were held form 2021 – 2022. A summary of the decisions and conclusions representing the core of the Hennepin-Carver Workforce Development Board can be found here.