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Program Descriptions

WIOA and State Dislocated Worker Programs

The WIOA and State Dislocated Worker Programs DEED Policies ( serve Minnesotans ages 18 years and older who have lost their job through no fault of their own – having neither quit nor been fired. In addition to these individuals, the following groups are eligible for Dislocated Worker program services in Minnesota:

  • Self-employed individuals who lose their income due to economic conditions;
  • Veterans leaving active duty with the armed forces; and
  • Certain individuals leaving active duty of the National Guard or Armed Forces

Working together with Unemployment Insurance, the Dislocated Worker program incorporates a framework of services which must include intake, objective assessments, development of individual employment plans, case management, job search support, training services administered by eligible training providers, support services, and follow-up services. This program intends to serve workers transitioning from layoffs and closings, including individuals and small groups. The program ensures Minnesota workers can secure permanent jobs in high-demand occupations. Please refer to Attachment 1 for additional information pertaining to this framework.

WIOA Adult Program

The WIOA Adult Program DEED Policies ( is designed to serve the universal client age 18 years and older who is either unemployed or underemployed. The program requires service priority for recipients of public assistance, other low-income individuals, individuals who are basic skills deficient (which includes English language learners), and those facing barriers to employment defined in the state plan. The framework of services mimics those provided in the Dislocated Worker program with a focus on offering upskilling opportunities to the priority populations.

WIOA Young Adult Program (WIOA Youth)

The WIOA Young Adult Program (WIOA Youth) WIOA Young Adult Program (DEED) serves disconnected youth ages 14 to 24 experiencing homelessness, involvement in juvenile justice system, poverty, and other barriers to employment. The program incorporates a framework of services which must include intake, objective assessments, the development of individual service strategies, case management, supportive services, and follow-up services. WIOA Youth prioritizes services to out-of-school youth and work experience. A minimum of 75% of funding must be used to serve out-of-school youth, and a minimum of 20% of funding must be spent on work experiences. Emphasis is placed on individual participant need and all programs and services must be client driven and not program driven. Programs must be geared to the needs of the youth and the regional economy of suburban Hennepin and Carver Counties.

Minnesota Youth Program (MYP)

The Minnesota Youth Program (MYP) offers critical work experience opportunities to low income and at-risk suburban youth ages 14 to 24. The goal is to meaningfully invest in young people who are the most likely to face threats to long term economic success and connect them with experiences at a critical period in their lives. Research has shown that the number one predictor of future success in the workforce is early exposure to work experience. Work readiness training is focused on employer-driven behaviors such as attendance, punctuality, teamwork, communication skills, and problem-solving, and is delivered in an interactive manner. MYP provides youth with hands-on opportunities to apply skills they learn in the classroom.

Overview of Eligibility Table



Dislocated Worker

  • 18+ Years Old
  • Eligible to work in the United States
  • Registered for Selective Service (some exceptions apply)
  • Recently separated from employment


  • 18+ Years Old
  • Eligible to work in the United States
  • Registered for Selective Service (some exceptions apply)
  • Unemployed or Underemployed


  • Out-of-School Youth: Age 16-24
  • In-School Youth: Age 14-21
  • Low-income
  • Facing barrier to employment (i.e. pregnant or parenting, disability, offender, foster care system, English language learner, homeless, etc.)

Wagner-Peyser Employment Services

The Wagner-Peyser (WP) Act, signed into law in 1933, established a nationwide network of public employment service offices. In Minnesota, the Wagner-Peyser services are provided through the Employment Services Program. This program has one eligibility requirement: The individual must be eligible to work in the United States.

WIOA identifies Veterans, recipients of Unemployment Insurance and Migrant Seasonal Farmworkers as priority job seeker groups for the Wagner-Peyser program. Employment Service staff introduce customers to the resources available at their local CareerForce locations, including learning about and applying for programs such as Unemployment Insurance, Dislocated Worker, WIOA Adult, WIOA and Minnesota Youth, Vocational Rehabilitation, Adult Basic Education (ABE), and Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP). Customers may also learn about other community resources, including programs for support services, transportation, food, clothing, child care, housing, and justice-involved individuals.

The primary responsibility of Employment Services is to deliver basic career services: meaningful and transformational assistance to customers for their career search. Basic Career Services can be delivered via workshops, classes or seminars. Individual assistance career services include: resume writing assistance, interview assistance, career exploration, skills assessments, reviewing labor market information, job search assistance, placement assistance, and career counseling.